About Alkhalil

About Alkhalil

AlKhalil platform for teaching Arabic derives its name from the Omani genius of the language and the poet Al-Khalil bin Ahmad Al-Farahidi (100 AH-170 AH / 718 AD-786 AD), the author of the first Arabic lexicon (Al-Ain lexicon), and the founder of the science of Arud (study of prosody) for poetic rhythm. Al-Khalil had the great favor in adding a symbol for the TANWEEN on the letters and changing the diacritical symbols from the dots to the symbols currently used, which then led to pronounce the Arabic letters in the right way, in order to eliminate the confusion in the similarity between the letters for non-Arabic speakers. AlKhalil e-learning platform specializes in teaching Arabic to native and non-native speakers, and offers general and specialized training courses in the field of language sciences and language skills from a distance.

AlKhalil platform seeks to achieve the ambition of every individual in this vast universe who aspires to acquire the Arabic language and use it in daily communication, academic life and business, through an advanced learning platform, in an easy and interactive way.

The segments of students on this platform represent a wide segment of the following categories:

The category of Arabic-speaking learners includes:

School and university students ·

Teachers and university professors·

Government employees, lawyers, workers in the press, media and publishing houses ·

Language study enthusiasts and lovers ·

The Omani Company 'Ebanah' is the sole owner of AlKhalil Platform.